
PostgreSQL Database Administration Book

Frist of its kind in Turkiye, in both English & Turkish language.

  • Detailed explanation of PostgreSQL architecture (59 pages).
  • Explanation with diagrams.
  • Examples & syntax arranged according to topics.
  • Virtual machine for lab environment.

It also presents the firsts with its features.

Since Postgres databases are mostly run on Linux systems, the topics are explained according to Linux systems. Basic knowledge of Linux and SQL is required to benefit from the book.

You can access the virtual machine image, manual and codes we have prepared for you to perform the tests from the links below.


Virtual machine image link1Virtual machine image link1
Virtual machine image link2Virtual machine image link1
Manual documentVM image setup manual
Codes and config filesCode & configuration files

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Postgresql Veritabanı yönetim Kitabı iç sayfalar

Postgresql SQL&PLpgSQL veritabanı programlama kitabı iç sayfalar

Online Sales

1- PostgreSQL Database Administration (Kindle Format)

2- PostgreSQL Database Administration (Print Format)

Postgresql SQL & PLpgSQL (Database programming)

In our SQL & PLpgSQL book prepared according
to field needs;

  • Content and examples of database programming,
  • There is online access to the virtual machine image, guide and codes so you can run the tests.